          Mon Oct.23 2006 It is 7:40 AM Texas time. I had a banana. I 新成屋>e:1px">h漫色情小說span>t is 9:40AM Texas time. I had 好房網two cups of hot chocolate, the cool weather made me could not res 酒店工作ist to have that extra cup of hot chocolate. It is 14: 32 Texas time. I had chicken 信用貸款 rice soup, an ice cream bar, a cup of hot chocolate. I wonder am I getting into eating disorder cycle aga 褐藻醣膠in. It is 18:07 Texas time. I had a banana. It is 19:26 Texas time. I  had sushis, potato chips, avocaco, tomato, and I 居酒屋am having green tea right now. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 票貼  .

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